Observations and Overflow

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Pondering the Stent Removal

Well, in the morning I get my uretic stent taken out. This wire was inserted into my urinary system while having my lithotripsy procedure. It extends from my kidney down to my bladder. Here's an x-ray of what it looks like. [No, this is not me :) ]


Nice, huh? This little medical gadget is there to aid the exiting of kidney stones and fragments through the urinary tract and since the urologist gave me the green light they are now going to remove it. Now comes the tricky part. There is only one way that stent is coming out and no,I don't have a secret hatch or fistibulation hole readily available. So that means that Mr. Manhood and myself had a meeting and have concluded that neither of us are very happy about this event, yet we concede to its inevitability.

I called the doctor and asked if I could have a double martini prior to the extraction-of-which-we-do-not-speak and he approved. Therefore, at 8:10 a.m., in the morning light,I shall be shaking up my pre-office elixir. Over the scent of fresh eggs and toast will be the crackling of ice cubes and the wonderful taste of anchovie-stuffed olives. Perhaps in memory of the great journalist Hunter Thompson's tragic demise I can put on some aviators and a gonzo hat.

To be continued...


Blogger Jamin Hubner said...

dohh man...
ahh, yeah my Grandma got one of those stents too. She got a 33,000 dollar stent...medical bills, oye.


Monday, March 07, 2005


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